oh..wut a nice weekend...
br blk keje..well, its pretty hard tu say dat it ws my laz session for diz time being.
yea, im thinking to do casual time rather than part time due to workloads (uni).
hey, welcome to my business world!=)
back to the title, we were celebrating Sal's buzday..and it ws a surprise party!!
huhuh (kak tie-fever, n d rest ade hal skit) nak surprise utk semua..heheh~tp takpe, ade kak najwa pengnti Kak tie utk circle mlm tu..=).thanks to Kak Najwa 4d Fiqh Imam Syafie
but yeah!it ws Sal's Birthday Bash!!!balloons, colourful stuffs n my Revlon lipstick!n the blueberry cheesecake =)
tambah2 dgn Sal yg muka nya terkejut..hihihi~ mybe dia dh dpt agk2 gara2 terlepas nya belon2 do dpn buat muka tak tahu..hahah~
but, it ws awesome nite!!
THANKS JPA PEEPS~moga ukhwah berkekalan..=)
p/s:kpd yg tak dijemput, we're so sorry coz dat
event continue trus dr halaqah mlm tu..n no boys allowed..=p
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